Why is conducting a UX audit important?
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Why is conducting a UX audit important?


Have you ever felt disappointed when watching user sessions on your website and seeing users reach the end of the checkout process but not make a purchase? What stopped them from clicking the 'buy now' button? Or perhaps you've noticed a drop in sales and user engagement in your online store? How do you find out the cause of this decline and improve user experience on your website? In such situations, a UX audit comes to the rescue, helping identify weaknesses in your product and seeking solutions to enhance the user experience.

What is a UX Audit?

A User Experience (UX) audit is a process aimed at detecting usability-related issues in a product or service through analysis and research. The primary goal of a UX audit is to identify key gaps in user interaction with the product, which may hinder customers from performing desired actions.

In addition to pinpointing issues, an effective UX audit provides recommendations to improve the usability of the product or service, which can increase customer engagement and conversion rates.

A UX audit is crucial for both large and small companies. If you feel that your products or services do not meet customer expectations, do not expect the problem to resolve itself. The longer you delay addressing the issue, the greater the potential losses.

A User Experience audit enables companies to detect even minor problems that can impact customer satisfaction.

During a website UX review, you can answer key questions such as:

What difficulties do users encounter during interaction with the product or service?
How do these difficulties affect customer behavior?
At what point do users leave the website?
A UX audit often utilizes tools and metrics such as traffic and conversion rates, sales data, customer engagement, UX standards, usability heuristics, mental modeling, prototype and sketch design.
Like usability testing, a UX audit has its specific objectives. While usability tests use user actions to detect usability issues, a UX audit focuses on business goals, product requirements, and user experience standards.

The main goal of a UX audit is to identify the reasons for the lack of user conversions and highlight weaknesses in design. To achieve this, having the right data for a retrospective analysis is essential. A fact-based analysis helps identify gaps in the user process and resolve issues users encounter during their customer journey.

Consider conducting a UX audit when planning to introduce new functionality and wanting to understand if customers encounter issues while navigating your website or application. User experience auditing can also be useful at the conceptual project verification stage before beginning product development.

If, after reading the above, you still believe you need a UX audit, consider hiring external consultants to conduct the audit. If your budget allows, this can be much more effective, as it allows for an objective evaluation of the project. Internal teams may struggle to maintain objectivity when evaluating a project in which they are involved. Furthermore, to identify gaps in the user experience, one must immerse themselves in the user's role and go through the entire customer journey for the first time, not knowing what to expect at each stage. This can be a challenging task for internal staff, right?


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